Digital Risk Mitigation

Digital Risk Mitigation

Moving beyond backup and disaster recovery

No one assumes that something bad will happen to their business, but reality is that you’ll likely face one of these issues at some point in the future. Whether it’s a Virus, Hacker, Weather, Employee, or Fire, there are plenty of uncontrollable circumstances that can cause your business to experience downtime. Let the following sink in:

According to the US GAO:

    1. 93% of companies that lost their entire data for 10 days or more filed for bankruptcy within two years of the loss
    2. 50% of businesses that found themselves without digital access for this same period of time filed for bankruptcy immediately
    3. 49% of businesses reported some data loss over the last two years
    4. 45% of small businesses do not backup their data at least daily
    5. Human error and hardware failure accounts for 60% of data loss with viruses and physical loss/destruction making up the rest

There’s no way to prevent a targeted cyber attack, natural disaster, technical malfunction or uncontrollable human error, but you can defend against them. Businesses defend against these threats by use of a solution that aids in not only data backup and disaster recovery while providing seamless business continuity. A holistic approach to this not only provides recovery but actively works to prevent the situation from occurring.


We provide a truly layered and proactive solution to Digital Risk Mitigation:


  1. We actively monitor and administer your infrastructure 24×7 and react before rather than after the fact:

    • Alerts from IDS
    • Failing hard drives
    • File System Problems
    • Virus and Malware infections
    • Centralized Logging
  1. We provide a truly layered security solution which includes:

    • End User Training
    • DNS Filtering
    • Business Class Firewall and VPN (requires hardware purchase and support agreement)
    • Intrusion Detection running 24 x 7
    • Endpoint Anti-Virus and Anti-malware
    • Domain/File System NIST recommended best practices
    • Endpoint Encryption
    • Email filtering
    • Segregated VLANS
    • Logged and Audited Remote Management
  1. Our Disaster and Backup/Recovery solution is ready at a moments notice to get you back up and running. Regardless of the cause you can rest assured that your digital assets are protected:

    • We can have your entire network back up and running in the cloud before you could buy new computers
    • Every Backup is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access
    • Every Backup is tested as it is created to ensure it will restore files if needed
    • Our Cloud based Storage is fully compliant with any regulatory requirements
  1. Compliance Reporting and Remediation:

    • We scan your infrastructure to ensure compliance with the latest demands
    • We customize reporting for your business to ensure compliance and ease auditing
    • We will actively resolve any issues raised by auditors or our own internal scans


Compare our solution to any other vendors and you will find we have the best and most cost effective solution.

Contact Us today to find out how to protect your business from the unknown